Are You Ready for the Next Wave?

February 10th marked the beginning of the Chinese New Year for 2024. Chinese New Year 2024 is the Year of the Dragon, symbolizing power, strength, and luck. A good primer for this article.

The start of any new year always brings with it a lot of promise, energy and excitement. There are new calendar year business and prosperity plans, New Year’s resolutions, and a high level of enthusiasm and anticipation about the prospects for the future. But let’s be honest … we all start out the year with great intentions, enthusiasm, BIG dreams, and BIG goals.

So, why do those grandiose plans seem to get derailed so early in the year?

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The Next Level of What?

“Take your business to the next level.”

How many times have you read, heard or said this phase, or a derivation of it? Probably so often that it barely registers at this point. Yet we continue to overuse it in describing our goals, or what we want to accomplish for clients. However, have you ever stopped to ask yourself, “The next level of what?”

What exactly does this mystical “next level” look like? Is it fame, fortune, retirement, financial independence, peace of mind? Do you have a clear vision of what the next level means for you or for your business? And what is required to get there?

If you don’t have a clear vision of what the next level looks like, then how do you expect it to become a reality?

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Are You All In???

We hear this question a lot these days, and not just because the World Poker Tour is in full swing. It is a great thought provoking question to consider, particularly if you are struggling in your business or personal life. It is also a question asked frequently in a spiritual context.

However, let’s focus on the commitment that is required to be great and to build a great company.

Are You All In???

I recently had the opportunity to attend the Master Networks CONNECT 2017 event in Allen, Texas along with 225+ other entrepreneurs and business leaders from across the country. It was an excellent two-day conference with great content and inspirational speakers including Chas Wilson, the co-founder and president of Master Networks.

During his talk, Mr. Wilson posed the ‘All In’ question to the general audience and this became a somewhat consistent theme throughout the conference. The All In question essentially boils down to accountability and commitment.

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A Perfect Sales Call

What constitutes a perfect sales call?

Most of us would be quick to answer, “A perfect sales call is when the buyer says ‘yes’ and signs the order.” We are all hungry for that next sale, the next order, the next new customer. In fact, the vast majority of new businesses that fail do so because of a lack of sales.

So while it would be hard to refute the logic, I think there is more to the perfect sales call than just getting the order. For example, a perfect sales call could be when the prospect says ‘no’ very early in the call. You don’t waste time chasing rainbows, and can move on to the next deal. However, would you really feel a sense of accomplishment if the end result was a no? Probably not.

“What if it all goes right?” – Mendhi Audlin

I love the thought process that goes into the title from Mendhi Audlin’s book. What if it does all go right? Are you enjoying this level of success and personal fulfillment in your selling activities? What does it feel like to have everything go right? In a previous article I talked about the 7 ways that you could be sabotaging your sales efforts. In this article I want to share some thoughts on the perfect sales call and how to make it a reality.

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Why Globalize Your Business?

If your overarching goal is to build a successful legacy business that will be around long after you are gone. And your horizon plans extend beyond the next 90 days. Then please read on …

In this article I want to share some thoughts on why you should consider globalizing your business, if you are in it for the long haul. So stay with me.

“Globalization is becoming a strategic imperative for survival and growth.”

Whether we choose to acknowledge this fact, or not, it is true for small businesses as well as large, multi-national corporations. I have been writing and speaking off and on about this topic for the past 10+ years. My first book, GLOBALIZATION: America’s Leadership Challenge Ahead, provides an in-depth look at the major challenges we must overcome in the complex, rapidly evolving global society we are all members of.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Many of you reading this introduction are thinking this does not apply to me. “I’m just a local small business owner and have no current plans to expand globally.” I have spoken to numerous business groups, and heard this comment more times than I can count.

What I’m here to tell you is “there is no such thing as a local small business in today’s global economy”. You’ll understand why I say this as you read further.

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How to Overcome an 8-8 Mindset

No, this is not another fan rant about the Dallas Cowboys lackluster performance on the football field this year. Although there are some similarities we’ll draw upon here. Rather, the article is about you. If you’re a business leader who seems to be stuck in neutral and unable to find the ‘winning formula’ to move to the next level.

None of us grew up with the notion of being average, just being good enough.

Whether it’s in sports, music, grades, business, etc. We have all been ingrained with the notion of being the best in our chosen pursuits. Does this seem realistic? There is nothing wrong with the quest for excellence. However, not everyone can ascend to the top of the pyramid and stay there. Real life just doesn’t work that way. And that’s OK!

Are your expectations aligned with reality?

Let’s talk for a moment about the ‘BIG LIE’. The big lie is what we tell ourselves when we have a bad day, or when things are not going our way. “Things will get better”. They won’t. Things are not going to get better until what? Until we do. In order to consistently achieve success at any level we must take risks, make changes and sacrifice to get there.

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There Is No Secret Formula

There are no secret potions, magic beans or fairy dust required to meet your goals for 2019 and beyond.

Yes, it is getting close to that time of the year again – the dreaded end of the calendar year. A time when many business owners review their financials and breathe a sigh of relief, or go into full-blown panic mode because the numbers are not there.

So, how are the end-of-year numbers stacking up for your business?

Are you feeling good about all that you and your team have accomplished so far this year, or are you scrambling for a quick fix to try and salvage the final year-end results?

If you are searching for a secret potion, magic beans or fairy dust to supernaturally improve things, then please stop! Review the blog articles I posted titled, It’s Time to “Ante Up”! and Who Wants Customers For Life?. You will find some great tips to help improve your top- and bottom-line performance.

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Growth Through Subtraction

The old adage that “you don’t get bigger by getting smaller” does not always apply in the modern world. In order to thrive in today’s fast-paced global marketplace you must think differently about what is essential to growth, and where and how to invest your time and limited resources.

Big corporations have gotten it wrong for decades. To artificially “pump up” stock prices and appease shareholders and the board of directors, they have historically downsized and reorganized during the fourth quarter to improve short-term financials. However, if you do not make fundamental changes to improve operational performance, this is a slowly bleed to death strategy that more often leads to failure.

“When you remove just the right things in just the right way, something very good happens.”—Matthew E. May Continue reading…

When Results Matter Most

“Our results, much like our footprints, show us where we’ve been, not necessarily where we are going.”

Results are the yardstick by which we measure our performance, progress and our level of success. It is born out of Logic 101. “A thing that is caused or produced by something else; a consequence or an outcome.” If I do this … then this will occur.

So now that we are well into the 2nd half of 2023, what more needs to be done by year-end in order for you to achieve success?

The one common thread that connects each of us, is a desire for MORE. We all desire more of something – money, free-time, sleep, hair (oh, that’s me), etc., which translates to a requirement for more results. Continue reading…

12 Days of Christmas Success

Have you been naughty or nice this year?

A tough question to answer given the challenges we have had to face in this era of COVID-19, and political unrest.

The holidays are now in full swing, and the New Year is just around the corner. Are you prepared for success ahead? Far too many business owners are now left scrambling to put the pieces of the puzzle together in the hope that they will be off to a good start in 2024.

Does this sound familiar?

Well, here’s a news flash … if you have not figured out that ‘Holiday Wish List’ at this point for the upcoming year, then you are being naughty, and you’re way behind the curve!

No one wants to have a failed launch or be behind before the New Year even gets going, so I wanted to share some things you can do, starting today, to get your business and your life on the fast track to greater, sustainable future success. I have reduced my lengthy list of suggestions to a short list of the most important actions to take to help make 2024 your best year so far. Continue reading…