Are You Ready for the Next Wave?

February 10th marked the beginning of the Chinese New Year for 2024. Chinese New Year 2024 is the Year of the Dragon, symbolizing power, strength, and luck. A good primer for this article.

The start of any new year always brings with it a lot of promise, energy and excitement. There are new calendar year business and prosperity plans, New Year’s resolutions, and a high level of enthusiasm and anticipation about the prospects for the future. But let’s be honest … we all start out the year with great intentions, enthusiasm, BIG dreams, and BIG goals.

So, why do those grandiose plans seem to get derailed so early in the year?

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The Next Level of What?

“Take your business to the next level.”

How many times have you read, heard or said this phase, or a derivation of it? Probably so often that it barely registers at this point. Yet we continue to overuse it in describing our goals, or what we want to accomplish for clients. However, have you ever stopped to ask yourself, “The next level of what?”

What exactly does this mystical “next level” look like? Is it fame, fortune, retirement, financial independence, peace of mind? Do you have a clear vision of what the next level means for you or for your business? And what is required to get there?

If you don’t have a clear vision of what the next level looks like, then how do you expect it to become a reality?

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Are You All In???

We hear this question a lot these days, and not just because the World Poker Tour is in full swing. It is a great thought provoking question to consider, particularly if you are struggling in your business or personal life. It is also a question asked frequently in a spiritual context.

However, let’s focus on the commitment that is required to be great and to build a great company.

Are You All In???

I recently had the opportunity to attend the Master Networks CONNECT 2017 event in Allen, Texas along with 225+ other entrepreneurs and business leaders from across the country. It was an excellent two-day conference with great content and inspirational speakers including Chas Wilson, the co-founder and president of Master Networks.

During his talk, Mr. Wilson posed the ‘All In’ question to the general audience and this became a somewhat consistent theme throughout the conference. The All In question essentially boils down to accountability and commitment.

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Are We Having Fun Yet?

Well, 2022 is rapidly coming to a close. So … are we having fun yet?

In the business world we are notorious for putting fun last on our list of priorities as a New Year kicks off, and as a result, never getting to it. We’re so darn busy throughout the year trying to meet our annual objectives and “putting out fires” that we don’t set aside time to have fun.

With what we’ve suffered through these past few years that needs to change.

The negative trends in business as a result of the pandemic, downsizing, restructuring and economic uncertainty have collectively taken a huge toll on the workplace. And a huge toll on the workforce tasked with doing more with less.

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Time to ‘Get Your Books’

Yes, this month signals the end of those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer and “Back to School” time for the kiddos. What about you? When was the last time you attended a class or made an investment in yourself? If it has been awhile, then it’s time to ‘get your books’.

“Formal education will make you a living; self-development will make you a fortune.” – Jim Rohn

What is the best way to prepare for future success? By continuing your education and personal development. Although the landscape of formal education has changed over the years the one thing that has remained constant is the requirement for life-long learning and growth.

People who will be the most successful in our fast-paced global society are those who are able to grasp new ideas and concepts the quickest and put them into practice.”

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Is Today Your ‘When’ Day?

When will you begin writing that first book you keep talking about? Make a firm offer on the dream home you have wanted? Take that dream vacation? Move your career in a bold new direction? Start the exercise program you have been putting off? If not now … When?

Is today your ‘When’ day … the day your life really takes off?

Stop dreaming and take action. Let’s face it, we are all procrastinators to some degree. It is part of our nature, a part of our DNA. However, if we are going to live the life we’ve always dreamed about, then at some point in time we have to put a stake in the ground and take responsibility for making it happen.

As a child, I was a BIG dreamer and had a long wish list of things I didn’t have. My dear sweet mother had a great way of bringing me down to earth. When my ‘Wish List’ got to be too much for her she would say, “Wish in one hand and poop in the other, and see which one fills up the fastest.”

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What Are You Planting?

Are you planting good seed in good soil through your words, your actions and your deeds, in order to reap a bountiful harvest?

Several years ago, I led a discussion on this topic with members of our Wingmen Men’s Ministry Group. For most of us, the past few years have been difficult, if not overwhelming at times. However, I think we can gain valuable insight from this experience by looking to the Scriptures for answers.

In essence, we reap what we sow. This may seem overly harsh with what we have had to ensure of late. However, as you read through this article, I hope you will find some things that connect with you in a positive way to build upon for the future.

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A Perfect Sales Call

What constitutes a perfect sales call?

Most of us would be quick to answer, “A perfect sales call is when the buyer says ‘yes’ and signs the order.” We are all hungry for that next sale, the next order, the next new customer. In fact, the vast majority of new businesses that fail do so because of a lack of sales.

So while it would be hard to refute the logic, I think there is more to the perfect sales call than just getting the order. For example, a perfect sales call could be when the prospect says ‘no’ very early in the call. You don’t waste time chasing rainbows, and can move on to the next deal. However, would you really feel a sense of accomplishment if the end result was a no? Probably not.

“What if it all goes right?” – Mendhi Audlin

I love the thought process that goes into the title from Mendhi Audlin’s book. What if it does all go right? Are you enjoying this level of success and personal fulfillment in your selling activities? What does it feel like to have everything go right? In a previous article I talked about the 7 ways that you could be sabotaging your sales efforts. In this article I want to share some thoughts on the perfect sales call and how to make it a reality.

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When SMART Goals Produce Dumb Results

Can SMART goals produce dumb results? The short answer is “yes”. But the better question to ask yourself is, “How can we keep this from happening to us?”

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.

The main problem with SMART goals, or goals in general, is that they are just ideas, thoughts or expectations. They generate no energy, no forward motion until you take action. If you make a half-hearted attempt to achieve them, or are not fully committed, then what happens? Poor or (dumb) results are the eventual outcome.

Goal-setting and planning are balance sheet approaches. They offer only a snapshot of what is important to you today, and how to get there from here. However, there is no momentum, no “wood behind the arrow”. Without this momentum being generated and directed, it’s hard to reach the intended target. A P&L approach is what’s required to make them come to life.

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Why Globalize Your Business?

If your overarching goal is to build a successful legacy business that will be around long after you are gone. And your horizon plans extend beyond the next 90 days. Then please read on …

In this article I want to share some thoughts on why you should consider globalizing your business, if you are in it for the long haul. So stay with me.

“Globalization is becoming a strategic imperative for survival and growth.”

Whether we choose to acknowledge this fact, or not, it is true for small businesses as well as large, multi-national corporations. I have been writing and speaking off and on about this topic for the past 10+ years. My first book, GLOBALIZATION: America’s Leadership Challenge Ahead, provides an in-depth look at the major challenges we must overcome in the complex, rapidly evolving global society we are all members of.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Many of you reading this introduction are thinking this does not apply to me. “I’m just a local small business owner and have no current plans to expand globally.” I have spoken to numerous business groups, and heard this comment more times than I can count.

What I’m here to tell you is “there is no such thing as a local small business in today’s global economy”. You’ll understand why I say this as you read further.

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