Are We Having Fun Yet?

Well, 2022 is rapidly coming to a close. So … are we having fun yet?

In the business world we are notorious for putting fun last on our list of priorities as a New Year kicks off, and as a result, never getting to it. We’re so darn busy throughout the year trying to meet our annual objectives and “putting out fires” that we don’t set aside time to have fun.

With what we’ve suffered through these past few years that needs to change.

The negative trends in business as a result of the pandemic, downsizing, restructuring and economic uncertainty have collectively taken a huge toll on the workplace. And a huge toll on the workforce tasked with doing more with less.

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A Perfect Sales Call

What constitutes a perfect sales call?

Most of us would be quick to answer, “A perfect sales call is when the buyer says ‘yes’ and signs the order.” We are all hungry for that next sale, the next order, the next new customer. In fact, the vast majority of new businesses that fail do so because of a lack of sales.

So while it would be hard to refute the logic, I think there is more to the perfect sales call than just getting the order. For example, a perfect sales call could be when the prospect says ‘no’ very early in the call. You don’t waste time chasing rainbows, and can move on to the next deal. However, would you really feel a sense of accomplishment if the end result was a no? Probably not.

“What if it all goes right?” – Mendhi Audlin

I love the thought process that goes into the title from Mendhi Audlin’s book. What if it does all go right? Are you enjoying this level of success and personal fulfillment in your selling activities? What does it feel like to have everything go right? In a previous article I talked about the 7 ways that you could be sabotaging your sales efforts. In this article I want to share some thoughts on the perfect sales call and how to make it a reality.

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They Speak What??

Labhraíonn siad Cad é?

Are you finding it challenging to connect and engage in meaningful conversations with people these days? Or for that matter to just get a response from the other party? It can feel like we‘re speaking a foreign language, or the communication link is down.

At no time in mankind’s history, since the Lord scattered the twelve tribes, has language and basic communication been so complex and confusing. This presents a big challenge for many businesses attempting to enter new markets either regionally or globally that are not familiar with the local language, customs and preferences.

How do you communicate effectively and ensure that your message is heard by the target audience when there are so many language and communication variables to consider?

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Growth Through Subtraction

The old adage that “you don’t get bigger by getting smaller” does not always apply in the modern world. In order to thrive in today’s fast-paced global marketplace you must think differently about what is essential to growth, and where and how to invest your time and limited resources.

Big corporations have gotten it wrong for decades. To artificially “pump up” stock prices and appease shareholders and the board of directors, they have historically downsized and reorganized during the fourth quarter to improve short-term financials. However, if you do not make fundamental changes to improve operational performance, this is a slowly bleed to death strategy that more often leads to failure.

“When you remove just the right things in just the right way, something very good happens.”—Matthew E. May Continue reading…

15 Things You Should Know …

My new book, 15 Things You Should Know: Wisdom for Life’s Journey is all about life, or more appropriately, it is a reflection of life’s journey.

As you will discover, the book is loaded with great quotes, fun facts, tips, life lessons, and relevant content for the ages. They’re all designed to make you pause, laugh, think, question, and thoughtfully consider where you are today in your journey and the opportunities and challenges that are ahead. You’ll also find a few I-had-no-idea and what-the-heck moments, as well as lots of random thoughts thrown in for good measure, just to hold your attention and keep things interesting.

Each chapter is a collection of my own home remedies, suggested actions, and answers to things you need to know that apply in business and to all other areas of life as well—a compilation derived from my personal life experiences, more than 175 articles I have written over the years, and the research conducted on the selected chapter topics. From the “The Journey” to “The End?,” 15 Things You Should Know: Wisdom for Life’s Journey will educate, encourage, challenge, and inspire you to continue to change, grow, and accomplish great things throughout your lifetime and, most importantly, to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

I’m so excited about the recent release of my new book that I’m offering three Special Promotions for early purchasers. See the details below.

  1.  Special Promotion #1. The first ten (10) people who buy the Paperback version of the book, and contact me with proof of purchase, will receive a 30-minute Professional Coaching session ($100. Value or Priceless).
  2.  Special Promotion #2. The next thirty (30) people who buy the Paperback version of the book, and contact me with proof of purchase, will receive FREE Lifetime Access to my online course, Discover YOUR Formula for Success ($30. Value).
  3.  Special Promotion #3. The next ten (10) people who buy the Paperback version of the book, and contact me with proof of purchase, will receive a FREE copy of my first book, Globalization: America’s Leadership Challenge Ahead ($15. Value).

NOTE: In order to qualify, you must purchase the Paperback version of my new book, and provide me with proof of purchase via email at Only one special offer will apply per customer for those of you who are one of the first 50 people to buy my new book.

15 Things You Should Know: Wisdom for Life’s Journey is now available on both Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Here are the links to the two sites:

Amazon …

Barnes & Noble …

Thank you in advance for your support. I sincerely hope that you enjoy my new book, and gain some valuable insights to help you along the way.

Happy reading and … Enjoy the journey!



COPYRIGHT © 2018 John Carroll


John’s Story

“We help clients get the results to move beyond their vision.”

This statement represents so much more than just another quote or tagline on my brochure. It is the vision statement for my coaching practice, and a reflection of my life’s journey. A journey that has moved me from humble beginnings to success in areas that I never dreamed were possible.

Moreover, my journey has enabled me to work with hundreds of entrepreneurs, small business owners and business leaders to help them achieve their goals in creative and expansive ways. But the journey has not been easy. In fact, as a child I was told by the people I looked to for guidance, encouragement and support that I was lazy and would never amount to anything.

We didn’t have a lot of material things when I was growing up, but my parents did their best to provide for our extended family. Both my parents were from broken homes and suffered through life during the Great Depression, World War II, and endured numerous hardships and disappointments. Their lives were oppressive, extremely harsh and as a consequence, they had their dreams managed out of them long before I came along. Continue reading…

Time Is Running Out!! Register NOW!!!

M3 Power Network Breakfast




Leave a Legacy of HOPE. Make happiness, joy and purpose a part of your life.

Do you want to grow personally, professionally and spiritually, while making those great new personal connections? If you want to GROW, then you have to GO!

Our GOAL is to get YOU connected. So, join us for GREAT FOOD, NETWORKING and INSPIRATION at the M3 Power Network breakfast on Saturday, October 21st at the Rec of Grapevine.

M3 Power Network is DFW’s faith-based Premier Networking Group engaging dedicated professionals like YOU to focus on Missions, Marketplace, and Motivation. Our purpose is to Encourage, Educate and Empower You.

Our good friend, Tom Ziglar is back with us, and will be the Keynote Speaker for our October 21st event. Tom is the current CEO of Ziglar, Inc. and is a highly recognized motivational speaker, author and trainer. He not only shares a last name with his father, Zig Ziglar, but he also carries on his philosophy, “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” Come, learn and be inspired!!

The next M3 Power Network Breakfast event is only 3 days away! REGISTER NOW TO RESERVE YOUR SEAT!!!

Meetup Link to RSVP

Facebook Link

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, October 21st!!!



Disruption Doesn’t Mean Dysfunction

Disruption as a noun means “disturbance or problems that interrupt an event, activity, or process.” To cause (something) to be unable to continue in the normal way. For business, however, disruption is viewed in broader terms as ‘disruptive innovation’, a term first introduced in 1995 by Clayton Christensen, the author of “The Innovator’s Dilemma”.

“A disruptive innovation is an innovation that creates a new market and value network and eventually disrupts an existing market and value network, displacing established market leading firms, products and alliances.”

Fast forward to today, what does disruption look like in 2017? Businesses generally still have two options when faced with disruptive innovation. Try and hold on to existing market space by doing the same thing(s) better, or attempt to capture new markets by embracing new business models and technologies, and adapting to rapid change.

“Change is good if it leads to improved performance, highly engaged employees and more satisfied customers.” Continue reading…

Sales Funnel vs. Sales Process

“Sales Process” most often refers to the repeatable set of steps your sales team takes with a prospect to move them from an early stage to a closed sale. Many of the articles I have read on this topic refer to the Sales Funnel and the Sales Process as the same thing. However, my view of the two is somewhat different.

From my vantage point, you should have a clearly defined Sales Process for prospects and existing clients. Why? Because the sequence of events, hand-offs, deliverables and timeframes may be different for prospects vs. clients. These key differences should be understood by you and your sales team in moving prospects to clients, staying in-touch and building those long-term business relationships.

The “Sales Funnel” on the other hand, reflects all of the active sales projects that result from the various interactions with both prospects and clients.

Our BLF ELITE Mastermind group has been working on the areas of Sales Process and Funnel Management for the past two months. And I want to share some thoughts with you from our work in the hope that it will help you build more effective sales processes for your business.

Sales Funnel … Is opportunity driven. The Sales Funnel provides a visual snap shot of all of the active sales opportunities that you are working on, and their various stages of completion from warm lead to Customer Acceptance. It is also the virtual “lifeline” for your business to both new and existing customers in driving sales revenues. Continue reading…

Core Values: What is Missing?

What is missing from your Core Values Statement today? Hint: it is a small but powerful three letter word that begins with ‘G’ and ends with ‘d’. (Even non-believers should be able to guess this one). The answer for most businesses today is that God is missing from their core values.

In Philippians 4:13, the Bible tells us that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.

However, as business leaders, we are told very early in our careers to avoid three topics in the workplace – religion, politics (although this topic has clearly worn out the airwaves of late) and money. (Ever stop to wonder who made up these B.S. rules?) As a nation, we have become so fixated on being PC with various special interest groups to a point where we have allowed our own values and beliefs to be compromised.

Core Values

We hear a lot of talk today about transparency and the need for businesses to be more open with regard to how they communicate and share information both internally and externally. However, we can’t talk about transparency and not openly share our values and beliefs. They are what shape our character and the culture of our organizations. Consider this … If the core values for our businesses run counter to our beliefs, then are we not guilty of talking out both sides of our mouths? Continue reading…