Are We Having Fun Yet?

Well, 2022 is rapidly coming to a close. So … are we having fun yet?

In the business world we are notorious for putting fun last on our list of priorities as a New Year kicks off, and as a result, never getting to it. We’re so darn busy throughout the year trying to meet our annual objectives and “putting out fires” that we don’t set aside time to have fun.

With what we’ve suffered through these past few years that needs to change.

The negative trends in business as a result of the pandemic, downsizing, restructuring and economic uncertainty have collectively taken a huge toll on the workplace. And a huge toll on the workforce tasked with doing more with less.

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Do Your Best …

Do your best … that’s all you can do! This is my youngest son’s mantra and it has served him well in his early adult life. However, what if it isn’t enough?

What happens when your best just isn’t good enough?

Throughout our lives we’re encouraged to do our best, try harder, keep pushing, don’t give up, etc. However, most of us already have or will encounter obstacles or challenges seemingly too difficult to overcome, despite our best efforts. So what’s the right course of action when your best is not enough?

If we assume failure is not an acceptable outcome, then we have created an irresistible force paradox. The classic paradox formulated as “What happens when an unstoppable force (you) meets an immovable object (obstacle or challenge)?” This paradox arises because it rests on two premises—there exists such things as irresistible forces and immovable objects—which cannot both be true at once.

“If you lean in the direction of success, you will make progress even when you fall.” – Grant M. Bright

The hardest thing for most of us to accept is failure. We have been conditioned to believe that failure is a catastrophic, ‘end of days’ type event, rather than a life lesson. However, in this world we are a part of, there are no such things as irresistible forces or immovable objects. Something must be changed. How can we strive to do our best against all odds knowing the end result in some situations will not be favorable?

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Why Globalize Your Business?

If your overarching goal is to build a successful legacy business that will be around long after you are gone. And your horizon plans extend beyond the next 90 days. Then please read on …

In this article I want to share some thoughts on why you should consider globalizing your business, if you are in it for the long haul. So stay with me.

“Globalization is becoming a strategic imperative for survival and growth.”

Whether we choose to acknowledge this fact, or not, it is true for small businesses as well as large, multi-national corporations. I have been writing and speaking off and on about this topic for the past 10+ years. My first book, GLOBALIZATION: America’s Leadership Challenge Ahead, provides an in-depth look at the major challenges we must overcome in the complex, rapidly evolving global society we are all members of.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Many of you reading this introduction are thinking this does not apply to me. “I’m just a local small business owner and have no current plans to expand globally.” I have spoken to numerous business groups, and heard this comment more times than I can count.

What I’m here to tell you is “there is no such thing as a local small business in today’s global economy”. You’ll understand why I say this as you read further.

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Life Lessons From Holiday Cooking

Ten years ago, my son Daniel and I decided we’d take on the task of doing most of the Christmas holiday cooking. It was our way of giving my wife Laura and daughter Melanie a break to just relax and enjoy the holidays. My wild, crazy idea!

NOTE: The photo above includes some of the sweets and “treats” made as part of the holiday cooking marathon.

We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into when we started. But after eleven recipes and 12+ hours of meal prep, cooking and clean-up, let’s just say we learned a lot from the experience.

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Please Join Us on January 13th!

Put your Big PHAT Goals into action and make 2018 your best year so far!

Do you want to grow your business and personal connections? If you want to GROW you have to GO. Come and meet new people at M3 Power Network!

M3 Power Network is DFW’s Premier faith-based Networking Group, engaging business professionals like YOU to focus on Missions, Marketplace, and Motivation.

Breakfast and Networking starts at 8:15 AM.

Our Purpose: Encourage, Educate, and Empower You!

Our Brand: Building People. Spreading Hope!

Our Goal is to Get YOU Connected.

Our Values: Business Networking | Building Relationships | Fun | Inspiration | Love | Respect | Honor | Excellence | Encountering God and more.

Our great friend and ‘Sales and Networking Guru’, Dean Lindsay, will be the Keynote Speaker for our January 13th event. So you don’t want to miss it! Dean is the author of the highly acclaimed book, How to Achieve Big PHAT Goals, in addition to being a Thought Leader on Building Priceless Business Relationships, sought-after Speaker and award-winning Christian songwriter.

Please join us, invite a friend, bring lots of business cards and prepare to be inspired!!

JANUARY 13TH will be here before you know it, so REGISTER NOW on EVENT BRITE  to reserve your seat!!!



We look forward to seeing you (and your guest) on Saturday, January 13th to help kick-off the New Year!!!


Don’t Miss It! Register TODAY and Invite a Friend!!

M3 Power Network Breakfast




Leave a Legacy of HOPE. Make happiness, joy and purpose a part of your life.

Do you want to grow personally, professionally and spiritually, while making those great new personal connections? If you want to GROW, then you have to GO!

Our GOAL is to get YOU connected. So, join us for GREAT FOOD, NETWORKING and INSPIRATION at the M3 Power Network breakfast on Saturday, October 21st at the Rec of Grapevine.

M3 Power Network is DFW’s faith-based Premier Networking Group engaging dedicated professionals like YOU to focus on Missions, Marketplace, and Motivation. Our purpose is to Encourage, Educate and Empower You.

Our good friend, Tom Ziglar is back with us, and will be the Keynote Speaker for our October 21st event. Tom is the current CEO of Ziglar, Inc. and is a highly recognized motivational speaker, author and trainer. He not only shares a last name with his father, Zig Ziglar, but he also carries on his philosophy, “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” Come, learn and be inspired!!

You can register TODAY at the M3 Power Network Events site on Facebook or on Meetup to reserve your seat.

Meetup Link to RSVP

Facebook Link

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, October 21st!!!



Disruption Doesn’t Mean Dysfunction

Disruption as a noun means “disturbance or problems that interrupt an event, activity, or process.” To cause (something) to be unable to continue in the normal way. For business, however, disruption is viewed in broader terms as ‘disruptive innovation’, a term first introduced in 1995 by Clayton Christensen, the author of “The Innovator’s Dilemma”.

“A disruptive innovation is an innovation that creates a new market and value network and eventually disrupts an existing market and value network, displacing established market leading firms, products and alliances.”

Fast forward to today, what does disruption look like in 2017? Businesses generally still have two options when faced with disruptive innovation. Try and hold on to existing market space by doing the same thing(s) better, or attempt to capture new markets by embracing new business models and technologies, and adapting to rapid change.

“Change is good if it leads to improved performance, highly engaged employees and more satisfied customers.” Continue reading…

Priming the Pump for 2021

Your location is not your destination.” – Laverne Booker

This great quote and self-help book title by Laverne Booker is a perfect lead-in for our conversation about preparing for success in 2021.

Yes, it’s already that time again. Time flies when you’re having fun, right? The fourth quarter is now over, so it’s time to start focusing on 2021, and those opportunities and challenges a new calendar year will bring forth.

Priming the Pump

“There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.” – Zig Ziglar

As I have said many times before, great results and success boil down to three active ingredients – great people + great planning + great performance. This basic formula for success is straightforward, but there are a lot of steps in-between that are necessary to reach the destination. Continue reading…

Get Your Head Out of the Cloud

Get your head out of the Cloud! Yeah, I’m talking to you (and me) and everyone else out there. Whether your business is online, offline or both, we all need time away from the keyboard and out in the ‘real world’ in order to effectively grow our businesses.

Although it has been said many times over that advancements in technology have brought us closer together, I contend that it has done just the opposite. While technology has made it easier for us to engage machine-to-machine and automate various aspects of our daily work lives, it has also diminished the “human touch” in the process.

The Cloud2

At the end of the day, however, building a profitable, scalable and sustainable business still comes down to people and the human interaction that happens in the marketplace between consumers and suppliers. That personal connection is still a key differentiator. Continue reading…

Let the 2nd Half Begin …

“Every success is built on the ability to do better than good enough.” – Unknown

Let the 2nd half begin … and so it has!! Sorry all of you raving NFL fans, it is not football season just yet. We’re talking about the 2nd half of the calendar year and you know what that means? It is time to step up the action!!!


Time to get serious about closing out the year strong and setting the stage for an even better new year to follow. Much the same as in sports, why do we humans always seem to have a greater sense of urgency in the 2nd half (of the year) than we do in the first half?

Most would say it’s a result of their efforts to recover from a slow start, an unexpected downturn in business or a major setback that put them behind in reaching their annual goals. I say it is simply human nature. We all go through cycles in life and business, ebbs and flows, much like the four seasons. As a result, our pace or sense of urgency is largely influenced by the cycle we are currently in, and how we are performing.

How can we create a greater sense of urgency for ourselves and our respective teams regardless of the business cycle? Continue reading…