“We help clients get the results to move beyond their vision.”
This statement represents so much more than just another quote or tagline on my brochure. It is the vision statement for my coaching practice, and a reflection of my life’s journey. A journey that has moved me from humble beginnings to success in areas that I never dreamed were possible.
Moreover, my journey has enabled me to work with hundreds of entrepreneurs, small business owners and business leaders to help them achieve their goals in creative and expansive ways. But the journey has not been easy. In fact, as a child I was told by the people I looked to for guidance, encouragement and support that I was lazy and would never amount to anything.
We didn’t have a lot of material things when I was growing up, but my parents did their best to provide for our extended family. Both my parents were from broken homes and suffered through life during the Great Depression, World War II, and endured numerous hardships and disappointments. Their lives were oppressive, extremely harsh and as a consequence, they had their dreams managed out of them long before I came along. Continue reading…